50 Years of Zero Waste

Happy Earth Day & 50th Anniversary of CRRA!

The California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) is celebrating our 50-year anniversary! Interestingly enough, the organization officially filed with the State of California in 1972 under Environmental Alternatives, which was established to operate a recycling collection center in Fresno. This facility was known as Valley Recycling, led by Bernie Meyerson. Bernie offered their incorporation papers as a way to fast track the formation of the California Resource Recovery Association. Bernie didn't need to continue Valley Recycling once the City of Fresno agreed to set up a curbside recycling program, and it was then that CRRA officially began as a recycling organization. CRRA had an event on Earth Day 50 years ago, which was its official inception.

We want to take a moment to thank those that formed the organization (a special thank you to Gary Liss and Rick Anthony for the context and history), those that have been lifelong members, and all of the CRRA contributors over the years including board members, advisors, speakers, conference attendees, sponsors and everyone else that has helped CRRA become a large and integral force within the zero waste world.

Happy Earth Day and Happy Anniversary to CRRA!


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